π Choose one problem give solution to yourself… don’t get scared.
π How to focus on studying the problem a little more deeply each time
π Start with one thing, one particular problem
π Create a Pop up PPT presentation , learn power point, it is very easy, just click right click at each step and follow. If very scared, then create a word document with big letters
π Forget Sequence, record whatever your mind says. Go blind of the sequence
π The mind chemical will work a little differently for each person, so follow whatever works for you. I am no specialist for you
π Keep adding information
π Read similar type of information and allow your mind to reorganize
π Not more than 8 points per page.
π If you get 10 points then reorganize, and re-define them into two slides, two different subjects
π Sequence it according to your flow of thoughts… that’s very unique of you, and it will carry your signature..
Go Ahead…
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