Welcome to the Tribe of Joyful Excellence.

Hi Fam I built a group for Powerful Influencing techniques for Working ProfessionalsI…

Here’s why πŸ‘‡

After spending 20+ years in the Corporate World, I’ve noticed a problem.

The worst part is the Bewildered Working Professional will try to solve this problem by Getting a promotion or a new job. 

When you are focussed only on this…

❌ The workshop scenario remains the same as in the previous case

❌ Can not see the opportunities because nobody else would show them, nobody likes to be associated with either a low confidence person or an over-bearing person

❌ Works overtime to impress the boss, and the super boss, but the required result is not achieved as per expectation

❌ Does not establish synergy with colleagues to expedite workflow, achieve deadline and have exceptional results. Remains a loner or finds himself with gossip mongers another time.

❌ Even if a promotion comes to their kitty, they do not stand out as achievers.  They feel un-recognized and left out. Promotion is not an indicator of significance, or an out-of-turn event.  

❌ The work profile appears to be another routine 9-5 job without any excitement. 

This is why my mission is to help Working Professionals with Personal Struggles to Achieve Significance despite momentary ridicule, being sidelined, or criticised without looking for another job or getting to trouble with colleagues.

So if you are a  Working Professional

βœ… looking for  better opportunity (contemplating 3 level jump)

βœ… looking for promotion ( achieving the KRA)

βœ…  with personal difficulties (get affected at work, often blaming the boss)

βœ… with limiting beliefs ( cannot go beyond the present standard)

βœ… with  no meaningful mission (get entangled in frequent problems )

βœ… with confidence issue (whether their experience is relevant)

βœ…  looking to expand their portfolio (feeling like a big fish in a small pond)

βœ…  who have opted for a different portfolio ( confused about the  how to utilise the previous experiences)

…this group is for you!

Inside, you’ll find ALL the proven frameworks we use to Achieve the Powerful Influencing Techniques that Empower you and help you multiply the Impact.

And the best part is…

You don’t have to pay!

Do join my facebook group here


I provide 5 guides there which deal the following, and it is growing everyday

πŸŽ‹How to finish work daily 

πŸŽ‹What is your role in an organization 

πŸŽ‹What is the botheration right now

πŸŽ‹Regular questions to self

πŸŽ‹Relating life to Think n Grow Rich ideas

PLUS, when you join, I’ll be sending you a Free gift/Free Course to welcome you into the community