Time to start anew!

Time, when the last endeavour has become stagnant.


Let go.

Destroy, so as to rebuild.

Even the Tarot cards describe the ‘Death’ card as an upheaval.

New beginning.

In India, according to Hindu tradition, today is MahaShivratri.   

A special day of Lord Shiva, the lord of destruction.

He also specializes in wisdom & intuition, the Third  eye.

Where all we need to destroy right now so as to move ahead?

What it is that which needs death?

Time to come face to face with the self.

The strict screening of the third eye. 

The once profuse Facebook Campaign which does not produce any result, anymore.

The fear which hides an unproductivity?

An eloquent digression that is beside the point?

Lets be brave for a genuine self assessment, so as to celebrate a new beginning.

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