Recently I have started thinking, why I am doing things so differently?

Why my heart says, I have to retain my style?

Should I take advice?

And even if I take, how much can I change of my conviction?

Is it arrogance?

With all these, my confidence flickered, went down.

In that downward journey, I remained consistent, in trying to climb up,

although, I experienced no inch forward!!!

But stayed in the game.

I experienced shifts, after a significant no-result period.

I found myself clueless, but the idea of giving up never came to my mind.

Today I heard T-Harvekar saying, that, whatever was easy for everybody else, was not his cup of tea.

He is now multi-multi millionaire, because he persisted.

Keep doing what you love; he said. And that is the perfect marketing strategy, as my super mentor, Sidz has podcasted today..

He was speaking about 9 Unpleasant Truths About Scaling A Business.
Pareto’s principle is true for every aspect of life- the 80-20 rule

Here is the podcast ;

9 Unpleasant Truths About Scaling A Business

According to my experience, the more vulnerable and honest I am, the more simple the product becomes.

He says that Competition is for losers. Unwittingly I am shaping myself to the top 4 percent. I am serving first. The numbers for the results will automatically come.

The intention to serve cant be copied.

I thought, how great it would be if that aspect can only be copied!! The world would be a different place of service.

Honestly, I entered this industry to have a fame of giving value of top quality. But aiming for fame will push the value aspect to the negligible corner. Ultimately the person disappears, living no trace.

Value should be focus fame will follow automatically. Strong roots are required in order to service.

In the run for Focus Vs Diversification, the example of Steve Jobs stands out who set up values for APPLE. He was a TRENDSETTER.

Scaling up of a business should have less dependability on human beings and also simplicity of operation.

Systems should be put in place so that scaling up will be easy. Without systems you cant scale and grow. Everything needs to be systematized. SYSTEMS WORK PEOPLE FAIL.
Have full stack system: having detail of 5 pillars in details
Survive the onslaught of competitors and other players and their style by investing in a mentor and system.
At the end, it is not the lack of information; it is about LACK of FOCUS AND lack of IMPLEMENTATION.


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